The photoshoot in forest setting
What can I say about this location other than it was perfect, we loved it! This was the front view from the rural home we rented and what we woke up to after arriving at night in the dark. The children were in awe. Needless to say, the photoshoot for Ten Is went extremely well and the kids had such a good time exploring and playing. Freedom and nature are an important part of my existence, whether it’s to do with my work, my free time, my parenting journey or for the children I interact with. I feel it is a fundamental part of the way I want to transmit my photography work.
The French shoe brand is called Ten Is, we love how they make shoes thought for children with their colourful prints and how easy they are for the kids to put on by themselves. We know much help that can be to us parents when children are independent! Ten Is can be found